How To Rebuild a Corrupted NT Profile
Classic signs of a corrupt NT profile
In Netscape, you find that the Print... and Print Preview
menu options are grayed-out
You are unable to select a default printer
You cannot change the wallpaper
Causes of corrupt NT profiles
You've logged into a PC whose system disk is already too
full to download your profile
Your profile has gotten so big that no system disk could
possibly hold it all
Random chance -- after all, this is Microsoft
What to do about it
To force an NT profile to be rebuilt, you must have administrative
access to the PC(s) that the user uses, as well as administrative access
to the user's home directory (or have the user there to type his password
in). The following instructions will assume this is an account in
the EECS infrastructure, with roaming profile located in the user's home
directory on coeus.
Make sure the user is not logged in on any NT machine (his
profile should not be in use).
Delete the user's cached profile on each PC he uses (C:\winnt\profiles\username).
It's most important to do this on the PC that he will first login on, but
I'd be wary about logging in on any PC that has a cached copy of the corrupt
profile. Note that you can do this remotely by mapping the network
drive \\computer\c$, if you have admin access.
Gain access to the user's home directory. If the user
is within earshot, you can do this by doing Start -> Run... ->
\\coeus\username, getting prompted for his username and password.
Rename his profile directory to profile.bak.
Let the user know that when he next logs in, his profile
will be recreated. Settings like wallpaper will need to be redone,
and items such as files on the desktop can be found in profile.bak in his
home directory.