Computer User Support Group

Computer User Support Group

  Full Support Contract - Windows WORKSTATION

July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

1. Contract Terms

Cost for FY23-24: $940/year

Each workstation is assumed to have one primary user, which must be identified at the time the contract is begun. The terms of the contract cover the computer and primary user. (Additional users can be supported on a "time and materials" basis.)

The duration of the contract is 1 year, and the contract period runs from July 1 through June 30. A contract cannot be cancelled earlier unless the computer is permanently retired from service. A contract can be transferred to a new machine if the old machine is permanently retired (CUSG reserves the right to charge the setup costs for the new machine separately, but this is done only in unusual circumstances). Contract costs are pro-rated to start from or end after the current month in the event of a sign-up or retirement in mid-term.

Billing is done once a year at the beginning of the contract term.

2. What is a "Workstation"?

A workstation is a computer that does not provide any network services or store any user files locally. It is a client of some other servers. Workstations require no special customization or security monitoring. A workstation does not provide any of the following:

  • Incoming mail server
  • Web / ftp server
  • Export Windows shares
  • Any other network service to other machines.

3. What is covered?

The following services are provided as part of the service contract:

  • Installation of the operating system and configuration to work on our network.
  • Regular maintenance of the operating system (patches, service packs, or hotfixes) will be provided for security problems, or to fix specific problems as reported by the user.
  • Access to the department-supported "Software Warehouse", a large collection of public-domain or site-licensed software.
  • If the system is under manufacturer's warranty, labor involved in repairing hardware problems is covered under the contract. For systems not covered under manufacturer's warranty, CUSG can do hardware work on a time and materials basis. Home-built systems are not considered to be covered under a warranty.

4. Policies, Limitations and Exclusions:

Acceptance of the contract by CUSG is contingent upon the machine meeting certain minimum requirements (see CUSG may require that the PC be upgraded (e.g. additional RAM or disk space added) or that the operating system be reinstalled before accepting the machine on contract. CUSG can perform these services, but on a "time and materials" basis.

When accepting a new system on contract, CUSG will install or modify the new system's operating system software so that it is standardized with vendor and departmental norms. The owner and CUSG should agree that the initial condition of the system is acceptable and they should agree upon the level of support that will be expected for any special software that is installed there.

Administrator access on the managed system is restricted to CUSG staff only. Administrator passwords are not to be shared or given to the customers, and access will be secured by CUSG. If a group feels they must retain administrative access to a system, the system can only be supported by CUSG with the following additional restrictions:

  1. Only one other person can retain administrative access; the password is not to be shared with anyone else. This person must be identified to CUSG.
  2. In the event of a system problem, no action will be taken by CUSG until everyone with administrative access has been contacted, in order that we may ascertain what changes have been made to the machine recently.
  3. In the event that any reported problems are determined to have been caused by non-CUSG staff exercising their administrative access, any work taken by CUSG to restore the system to its previous state will be charged separately at our "urgent" time-and-materials rate.

These are typical services that are not covered by this agreement, but may be available from CUSG through other contracts or billed on a time-and-materials basis:

  • The storing of data from disk to tape ("backups") and recovery of data from tape to disk ("restores") for files stored on your local hard disk. All files which are stored on a fileserver (e.g. your H: drive) are backed up nightly and will be restored at no additional charge.
  • Changes made to a system by the owner, without agreement by CUSG, that cause previously-supported services to fail. This might include the addition or removal of hardware or the modification of system software or configuration files.
  • If the operating system or specific application software is not supported by a campus or departmental license, or is not located on a campus or departmental shared repository, CUSG has the option to deny service on that software. If it is commercially supported, stable and similar in nature to products that are supported, CUSG may be able to install and maintain it at an additional cost. The owner may have to supply the media, documentation and licensing information.
  • In general, CUSG will make recommendations about modifications needed to support non-operating system software, but labor to work on such user applications may be billed on a time-and-materials basis.
  • CUSG does not provide programming support, troff/TeX debugging, etc.


Appendix A: Windows Standard Applications

These applications will be installed on all Windows PCs under CUSG management.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Ghostscript / Ghostview
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Browser)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (Mail)
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection (Firewall and Anti-Virus Software)
  • Time synchronization service

Appendix B: Windows Optionally Installed Applications

The following applications will only be installed on machines if the primary user or owner specifically requests it.

  • MikTeX (TeX for Windows)
  • Exceed (X Window emulator)
  • Emacs
  • CygWin
  • Oracle Calendar (for CalAgenda users)
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • Microsoft Visual Basic
  • Microsoft Visual J++
  • SunSoft Java Development Kit

Computer User Support Group
395 Cory Hall #1770, Berkeley CA 94720-1770
Voice: (510) 642-7777, FAX: (510) 642-2916

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Last modified: Wed Jun 28
15:28:24 2023